"The Ab Academy" powered by Mind & Grind Fitness
 How My Beginner Clients Gain NEXT LEVEL Core Strength & Knock Off 
Do YOU want to learn how to shave inches from your waist & develop a rock solid core while eating the FOODS YOU LOVE???
Sam Roberson 
Creator of The Ab Academy
"I had never had a fat stomach before. I actually had a six-pack most of my teen & college years. I sustained a significant knee injury while training for NFL tryouts and was inactive and depressed for a few months. I got up to 252 lbs. which was my heaviest weight ever. That came from 4 months of stress eating, alcohol drinking, and no exercise. After recovering from my knee injury, I slowly found motivation to get back active. Within just six weeks, I was able to drop 24 pounds and chisel my abs using the exact exercises that are in this program. I got down to 228 which was actually smaller than where I was before the gain. Adding a lot of core training to my regimen was new to me, but it definitely got the job done."
Is "The Ab Academy" program for me??
Do you struggle with back pain or weak lower back?
Do you try to hide or tuck your stomach in when taking photos? 
Are your favorite jeans becoming difficult to button?
Are you ashamed of wearing a two-piece bathing suit?
Are you hesitant to take off your shirt at the beach?
Do you suffer from the "FUPA", "Muffin Top", or "Beer Belly"? 
Do you struggle with knowing what exercises to do?
Do you struggle to eat healthy?
Do you exercise regularly, but still find it difficult to lose stomach fat?
Do you eat healthy, but still struggle to lose stomach fat?
Do you eat healthy & do core exercises, but still struggle to lose stomach fat?
Do you wish there was a way, you could lose weight, but still enjoy your favorite foods????
If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, the solution to your problems are ahead!!! The Ab Academy is DEFINITELY for YOU!!!
"I like how you started me out slow to master the basics, 
then you switched it up. 
You pushed me to do exercises 
I had never done."


"This pic is from just 7 days. I lost 5 lbs."

I'm down 10 lbs from my original weight in just the few days I've done Sam's program. I'm so excited and even more motivated.

What exactly is The Ab Academy??
The Ab Academy is not the typical cookie-cutter plan you find online with random exercises & routines just to fool you with "variety. This is an 8-Week comprehensive core and abdominal training program, created by fitness specialist Sam Roberson. It is the exact regimen that he has used for himself and currently uses with his clients. This program will help you master the art of abs and develop next level core strength. Everything in The Ab Academy program is laid out for you. All we have to do is execute the plan. 

It includes:
  •  8 weeks of progressively programmed core training
  •  Library of 30+ Exclusive Core & Ab Training videos
  •  Detailed Grocery & Supplements Guide (FREE BONUS)
  •  Slim's Tips & Secrets on how to get results while eating your favorite foods. (FREE BONUS)
  •  RESULTS!!!!!
This program is suitable for Intermediate to Advanced fitness level.
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